Roots Update

English from the Roots up has an update.  We'll need to make some flashcards up to catch up from a few missing classes.  This is the first set of root words.

photos - light
tele - far away, distant
metron - measure
graph - write
e, ex - out of, from
philia - love, friendship
phobos - fear
pathos - feeling
amo - love
felix, felicis - happy
rideo, risum - laugh at
phone - sound
sonus - sound
skopeo - see, look, consider, examine
hypo - under, below
hyper - above, overly, beyond
super - above, over
sub - under
un - not
re - again
digitus - finger
caput, capitis - head
manus - hand
pes, pedis - foot
bracchium - arm     (ask about the song)
dens, dentis - tooth
corpus, corporis - body
unus - one
duo - two
tres - three
quattuor - four
quinque - five
sex - six
septum - seven
octo - eight
novem - nine
decem - ten
centum - hundred
mille - thousand
jacio, jactum - throw
pono, positum - put
cum (com, con, co)- with, together
figo, fixum - attach
jungo, junctum - join

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